Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This year for the 4th of July (wich was actullay celebrated on the 3rd beacause the 4th fell on a Sunday) we went to the Kaysville Fireworks! I was a little worried about Autumn, with how loud they are I thought they would scare her and she would be crying the whole time. But she loved them! she didn't cry at all. she layed on my chest and actually watched them. She followed them with her eyes, I was more entertained watching her than I was by the fireworks. I'm so amazed by how smart she is. I love her! It was a fun night!
She had a really cute red bow on the whole day but she fell asleep before we left for the fireworks and when she's sleeping Logan usually takes her headbands off. He thought he had put it in the diaper bag but he really left it at his moms in his old room where she had taken her nap. I was getting so frustrated looking for it and then I realized that it really doesn't matter if she has it on all the time or not. She is so cute either way and my bad attitude about it was ruining the night. So I just got over it.

Logan got a bit of a sunburn at the parade earlier in the day. He didn't put any sunscreen on. It doesn't look nearly as bad as it really was in this picture!

I love our family!

I am very greatful to live here in America. I love the rights and freedoms that I enjoy everyday. I am greatful for all of the men and women who serve this country and have given their lives to protect our way of life.


Seth & Juli + Rocco, Zeegan and Kezia said...

So CUte! She looks SOOOOOOOO much like you Christa! I love the family picture at the bottom (even without her looking at the camera and no bow I think she is adorable)!
P.S. I think you meant to say that you're thankful for the men and women who "serve" our country, rather than "Sever" it... LOL, typo... altho I gotta say that gave me a good laugh when I first read it!

Bain Becomes a Master said...

What a cute little family!! And you are right, Autumn is very cute with our without the bow. Can't wait to play with her again.

Talisha! said...

Me and Brooklyn Love Autumn!