Monday, August 13, 2012

Cahoots Race 2012

Logan's family ran the Cahoots team race this weekend up in Midway, Utah! They had so much fun. I have wanted to do a family race of course they would sign up for one when I'm 9 months pregnant. I think they just wanted to make sure I couldn't kick their butts ;) Autumn and I just acted as the cheer leaders/ photographers for the event instead. But I was kind of jealous, I'm not gonna lie. Anyways, it was a 6 mile course with a bunch of different team building activities and obstacles that they had to pass through. They had three different teams: Kevin and Joy made up team "Kevin's Joy" Aaron and Brooke were team "Yoked" and Logan and Steven were team "Voltron". They all did really well. Logan and Steven finished in an hour and 28 minutes and were the 1st in the family (so proud Honey! and it was his first running race...) Then Aaron and Brook, i'm not sure what their time was?? and shortly after them came Kevin and Joy with the time of 1 hour and 47 min. After they finished they had to tally up points based on their time, and the obstacles they did. Logan and Steven won, Joy and Kevin came in 2nd and Aaron and Brooke came in 3rd. They all did awesome. Autumn and I got quite the work out running around trying to get pictures of them. Wish I had been able to get more of the obstacles...but here they are.

Even Mazy supports team Voltron!

Aaron and Brooke get mistaken for a couple rather than brother and sister all the time. When they finished someone asked them if they were dating. haha They're just too cute.
And aren't Kevin and Joy so cute? Everyone teased Joy a little before that she was gonna die, but she did great! She was cruisin' every time I saw her!  

I'm excited that they liked it so much! I've been trying to convince them how much fun racing is forEVER! Now I'm excited to do another race after they baby comes and I can participate too! Way to go everybody!

1 comment:

JuLi said...

You guys are so awesome! I really think you should name your son Voltron! That would just Rock my world. If not as the first name, at least as his middle name!!! :) But I totally understand that you want to name him Rocco Jr ;)
Anyway! I love your guts! I'm so excited for my new little nephew to get here!
I bet when you're part of the race your team will kick butt! and win!
(PS- this is to ally random, but the letters it's making me put in to prove i'm not a robot are "943 DRACO". No Joke! Does the internet like Harry Potter?)