Friday, November 16, 2012


Today my thoughts are with my Grandma Claswson. She is not doing very well. I don't know if she is going to be here with us much longer. I just wanted to take a minute and say that I love her. I have learned a lot from her in the last five years. I am grateful that I made the decision to go to Weber State University and move up to Kaysville and live with her and my grandpa. I got to know them so much better in that time. I love her company. Somethings I love about her are:

She never forgets your birthday, she knows EVERYBODY'S birthday in my family, which is pretty amazing because there are like 50+ grand kids and great grand kids. 

She is the best cook in the world! She has taught me a million cooking tips. She even helped my make my very first Turkey for Thanksgiving the first year I was married. It turned out Delicious.

She is so giving. She is always giving me things. Every time I visit her I leave with fresh produce, toys for my kids, or an old piece of furniture that I love and she doesn't want anymore or thinks I would use more. She is always giving. Two of my favorite things she has given me are my piano and Autumn's Rocking Chair.

She is Funny. What a sense of humor she has. Last week she was in the hospital and my sister and I were sitting by her talking with her. She said to my sister (Who is Pregnant and due any day now) "Rachael, I am going to meet your baby before you do." This made Rachael kind of sad and trying to lighten the mood she said, "Well will you tell her to come out real fast and make my labor really easy then?" and my Grandma smiled and said, "No, I'll tell her to take her dear sweet time coming out."

She is an amazing woman with a strong Testimony. She doesn't put up with nonsense and is always inspiring me to be a better person. I love her so much.

She doesn't really love it when I take her picture, But sometimes I do it anyway. Here are some pictures of her and my grandpa with my kids and such.

 My favorite picture of my Grandma. Ever.

 Holding Baby Nixon for the first time

 Holding Baby Autumn for the fist time over 2 years ago.

I love you Grandma, you will always be in my heart.

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