Monday, April 4, 2011

Marathon Training

So about 5 weeks ago I wrote about how I am going to run a marathon. I just wanted to do a little update on how my training has been going. This is the running schedule I have been following so far... Today was the start of the sixth week for me. As you can see, I've colored each day that I've accomplished in with a blue highlighter. There is one day that is green last week...I missed that day because I was sick :( I felt so upset that I missed it. But I'm over it now and pressing forward. I'm very excited to accomplish this goal. Today I took Autumn with me on my run in a jogging stroller. It was SO hard. Running with out your arms is way more difficult that I imagined it would be. I felt very proud when I finished my four miles today! Looking forward to my long run Saturday! I love how I feel when I'm working out consistently and eating healthy things!

P.S. I just got new running shoes on Friday! I love them. And for the first time in my life I didn't get Asics...say what? I know, right. I got Nike shoes. Logan thinks they're hot!


Laura said...

So proud of you! Run run run! My friend just ran one in San Fran last weekend--I'm not sure I could do a whole one but I am glad you can. Keep up the hard work! :)

Heather said...

You rock Christa! That is too bad running with a stroller is so hard because I was really looking forward to it one day when I have kids. Keep working hard, If I'm in town I'll come cheer you on when you run it!!

Brian and Heidi said...

Sure wish I could be out there running too. The weather finally warms up enough here in Logan and I have a knee that will barely let me walk due to someone not looking before turning. Glad you are sticking to your goal though.

Reags said...

I am so stinkin jealous that you have that kind of discipline. I wanna run like you!

Bain Becomes a Master said...

Nice work! I wish I had the desire to run. I just don't!

Bain Becomes a Master said...

P.S. I am so glad you have a blog--and actually blog!

The Allens said...

Christa you are amazing!!! 21 miles saturday??? and you go to work afterwards!?!? blows my mind!!!! good job!:)

Lauren Elizabeth Stanford said...

I know it's been said time and time again, but seriously? You are amazing! I am so proud of you. :)