Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Project Brooke's Room-Preveiw

So while Brooke has been in the Dominican Republic all month Joy and I have been cleaning and redecorating her bedroom. I wish I would taken "before" pictures but I didn't...but to give you an idea of what it looked like just think a whole lot of BRIGHT pink and clutter clutter clutter! I think she is going to love her new space when she gets home :)
material for the curtains...they are going to be so pretty!
The bed only has one pillow currently...don't worry there will be more...we just have to pace ourselves and wait for coupons because those shams are 40 dollars a piece. CRAZY.
But so lovely and worth it.

We're still trying to decide if we like the color of the big blue mirror...we may repaint it the color of the door hooks...a more till blue that light blue...

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