Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Just a little bit of my Favorite thing...

The other morning I heard Autumn calling for me from her crib! I jumped out of bed and went in to get her. She greeted me with the biggest smile you've ever seen, and when I picked her up she wrapped her chubby hands around my neck and gave me a huge hug. She even laid her head on my shoulder. I love little moments like that.  It was just one of those little moments in my life where I feel pure and true love. She is the most amazing little thing. I love having her every single day!

She is now over one and a half years old and I can't believe how fast she is learning and changing. It's so sad, and so beautiful at the same time. She can say almost every word now, she copies me constantly (I have to be careful not to say any "bad" words because she'll say them too). Her newest word choice is "Boogie" she says this when we blow her nose and then she does and exaggerated "Ewwwwwwww gross mom" then we throw it away and she say's "Bye bye boogie" cutest thing in the world.

Grandma and Grandpa Gingrich recently got a new puppy, A golden retriever named Mazy. She loves her! She lets her lick her face and chase her around and she talks about her constantly. Sometimes when she is in her room playing with her stuffed animals and toys I hear her saying Mazy over and over again. I love that she is already using her imagination to play!

Her favorite pass-time is playing with magnets! yep, it true. she will literally play with magnets for over an hour while I clean or do whatever really. I'll have to find her some really cute fun ones for Christmas!

She loves her Daddy, to laugh, ring around the rosies, bubbles, Mickey Mouse, oranges and bananas, music, pictures of the temple and Jesus, hats, boots, her binki and her family. She loves saying everyone that she knows name over and over. She lists them of for me daily it goes something like this...


Sometimes there are others too, but these ones usually make the daily list. We sure love our little chubbers! Ah she is so dang cute!


Kacee said...

She really is the cutest :) I can't wait to see her!

Rachael said...

she's getting so much older! how fun! :)