Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bumble Bee

Autumn LOVED Halloween this year. She learned all sorts of Halloween words including:
Trick or Treat
and Happy Halloween

She loved her costume and wore it the whole day on Halloween! We took her trick or treating to a few houses in our neighborhood and she had a blast. She loved all of the carved pumpkins on the door steps and really enjoyed choosing candy out. She would say Happy Halloween as we left. It was adorable. But she loved handing out candy even more than trick or treating herself. She would get so excited everytime the doorbell rang. She would start running around in circles laughing and say "Treat! Treat!" Then I would let her put a treat in each persons bag. There was one kid that had his face painted pretty scary and she wouldn't give him a candy she looked at him and said "Scary." When I told her to give him a treat she put her pointer finger up and said "No! Scary Mom." So I gave him one. But it was so cute all the same. We ended up running out of candy and had to give out all the candy she got trick or treating, but she didn't seem to mind. She didn't need to eat all of that anyway, she was sugared out by the end of the night.

P.s. Autumn thinks that Please means candy because I always make her say please before I give her one.

1 comment:

JuLi said...

oh cute! She's makes a super cute bumble bee!!! That was smart giving out her candy. My kids candy usually gets half eaten by me and then a 10th eaten by them and then the rest recycled into Christmas stocking fillers... lol.
I want our kids to go trick or treating together one year, I htink that's be adorable!!!