A marathon can now be checked off of my bucket list, because I ran my fist one on Saturday! It was seriously one of the funnest races I have ever done! I loved it, all of it! I think I was smiling most of the race. Ever since I started running in the 7th grade I've said I would run a marathon. And I have to say that I am actually very proud of myself for doing it. Training was hard and frustrating at times, but it was well worth it. Now do you want to hear all about it? Good here it goes.
Friday night Logan and I headed to Provo. We stayed with my lovely Grandma Simmons so that we wouldn't have to get up so early to head to the race. She made us a lovely dinner and we enjoyed spending time with her as we don't see her too often. She is so cute, isn't she?

Me and Grandma are shorties compared to my cute hubby

So Saturday morning I had to be to the Marriott in Provo at 3:30 in the AM to catch a bus up to the starting line. I was so tired and nervous.

So it took about half an hour to drive up the canyon and I kept thinking that it was a really long drive and that running back was going to be crazy. When I finally got to the top it was FREEZING. There were lots of little fires everywhere with people crowded around them to keep warm. I walked for awhile until I found one that looked like it had some openings around it and joined. The people at it were pretty funny and helped me to relax a bit about it. They were all joking around a lot and the guys reminded me of all of the guys from my high school cross country team. I think boy runners are just naturally funny or something. They had me laughing though and it made the 2 hour wait till the start more bearable. Our fire started getting really crowded after awhile and I was in a bad spot, I was getting all the smoke to my face. The smoke was killing my eyes and lungs so I was drinking A LOT of water. I finally left the fire in search of a better one. I found one that was pretty big and had a good spot. I sat down there and rested for about half an hour and then headed over to use the bathroom before the race started. The lines were so long. It seems like everyone had the same idea as I did. While I was in line I saw a girl I knew from high school. I knew she was running the race and we had even talked about running it together on facebook. I didn't think I would actually find her there with so many people but there she was. She was running it with one of her friends who had run a few other marathons. They asked to cut in line with me for the bathroom and I felt kind of awkward because the people in line behind me seemed kind of annoyed. I would be to if I had been behind me. Then her friend started talking and she was really really annoying. She kept jumping up and down and talking really loud and she was talking about weird things. I felt so awkward. I went into a port-a-potty first and when I got out I considered ditching them, but then the girl I knew came out. So we all headed over to the starting line together. There were so many people, we were in the middle of the crowd and when the gun went off for the start it took awhile before we actually moved. Once we got going I already had to pee again. The friend of the girl I knew started telling her a story and I honestly just couldn't take them anymore, so I just went on ahead of them at a pace comfortable to me. Mile 3 is where the first bathroom break was. There was already a line. I had to go though so I stopped. I waited there for about 5 minutes...so annoying! But after that point I felt pretty good. I ran around 8 min to 8.30 min miles. After mile 3 I turned on my iPod, I brought Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire to listen to. It was nice, it took my mind off the run. Unfortunately I didn't charge my iPod and it died right after mile 9. I'm glad it died when it did though because mile 9 to 15 was absolutely beautiful! Around mile 15 my right knee started to really bother me. It had been a little sore during my training and it had felt tight the entire race but after the 15 mile water stop it got really tight and sore. I thought for a few minutes that I might have to walk the last 10 miles...aaaah that would be terrible. But luckily I had a client who has run several marathons who told me to bring some aspirin with me in case I started cramping during the race. I took my aspirin and my stretched my knee out for a minute. About a mile after that it felt fine.
So in an e-mail that was sent out to all of the racers they asked that your families wouldn't spectate in the Canyon as they were only closing down one lane of traffic and they didn't want any accidents to happen. So I told my family that they should be along University Ave (the last 6 miles of the race). There turned out to be a number of good spots up the canyon for spectators, where there was a pull off on the side where the runners were, so I was a little sad when running that my family would only get to see me for the last stretch of the race. By the time I got to the mouth of the canyon I was really excited to see them. My mom said that they would either be in a parking lot just outside of the canyon or by the River-bottom shopping area. I got to the parking lot and there was no sign of them. I kept going. I finally saw them at mile 22! They they were, the whole lot of them!!! When I saw them it gave me a lot more energy. I felt really strong. John ran with me for a little bit after I passed them. About a mile after that I felt my energy going, and then I saw three familiar people on a sidewalk a little ways ahead of me. It was Becca, Jake and Lincoln. Seeing them gave me energy once again. A little ways after that was Logan and his Dad again, and then I could see the finish. This was the longest stretch to the finish I can ever remember. I wanted to push my hardest but I felt like I would pull a muscle if I ran faster than I already was. So I kept my pace and ran to the end. I could hear my name being yelled by my mom and siblings. I could also hear other voices yelling my name. I finished at 4 hours and 40 minutes on the clock.
When I crossed the finish line I seriously felt amazing! I felt so happy. I couldn't stop smiling. They put a metal around my neck and then I found my family. I loved how proud of me Logan was. He kept telling me good job and saying how strong I looked at the end. With out his help I never would have accomplished this goal. He is the one who kept me on track when it was hard to do my runs. He is the one that I couldn't wait to see at the end of my race. He gives me so much strength. I love him so much.
After we took a bazillion pictures my family went home and I waited in line to get a massage. The massage was too short, but it was amazing. Then I got some stuff (kind of like icy hot on steroids) put on my knee and shoulders. Then Logan and I left too. I am really proud of myself for doing this. And I surprised myself with how my body felt the entire race. I will definitely do another one in the future. Hopefully with a faster time (My official time was 4:39.08 which averages out to 10:39 min. miles)

This was right around mile 22...I'm still smiling!

Just finished and feeling great

My awesome supporters!

Me and my dad...the only two in the family to run a marathon, although I hear Jake wants to join our club.