Thursday, January 3, 2013

One of Those Nights

Logan had the day off from work today and we stayed home and did a whole lot of Nothing. So we decided we should so something fun tonight. Going out to dinner as a family sounded like it would be nice. (Especially for me since I wouldn't have to cook!!) So we got the kids in the car and headed to Applebee's. We pulled into the parking lot and decided that Red Robin sounded even better so we went a few buildings over to Red Robin.

Autumn had fallen asleep on out way over there. We decided to bring in a blanket and lay her down on it on the booth bench so she could keep sleeping. She tends to take after her Mamma and is very grumpy when she wakes up. I'm the one who got her out of the car and unfortunately she woke up.

Well you can imagine how the rest of the evening went. She cried. A lot. She didn't want dinner. She just wanted to leave. Logan took her to walk around and try to calm her down. He took her up to the front where they had some games. She decided that she wanted a toy penguin out of the claw machine. She wouldn't stop crying about it.

Then Nixon started crying. He seemed a little hungry so I decided to try to feed him. I have never fed him in public before. I always go in the bathroom and stand in a stall to nurse him because I feel like people look at you funny when you nurse in public. And just a little side note here- I wish I didn't care what people think. Why should I have to go and freaking stand in a dirty bathroom stall to feed my baby? I should be able to sit at my table and feed him if he is hungry with out people glaring at me or looking at me like I'm one of "Those" women. It especially bugs me when the waiter looks at you like you're disgusting for doing something like that. If you don't want nursing mothers to nurse in public, provide somewhere that they can go to nurse besides a dirty bathroom with no where to sit. I understand that it can be awkward when a woman doesn't use a cover or blanket, but I just hate how weird people are about this whole issue. Anyway, back to tonight. I decided tonight that I've had enough of the "bathroom feeding" so I pulled out my cover and nursed him at our table. (I might have been a little paranoid about this but I swear the woman at the table across from us kept giving me a look). He was doing great for about one minute. Then he started to cry, and started arching his back and moving his arms like crazy. It was no bueno. I handed him off to Logan and got myself all covered back up. Logan swears I flashed him a little bit, but I don't think i did. That would be my luck though, to finally just nurse in public and accidentally expose myself.

Our food finally came and Autumn stopped crying long enough to eat a few french fries. Nixon cried the whole time so I had to wait for Logan to eat then pass him off so I could eat. We were both getting pretty frustrated and on edge. We just wanted the waitress to bring us the bill so we could get the heck out of there. What were we thinking going out to eat with both of our kids for fun? We are CRAZY. We finally paid, and packed up to leave. On the way out to the car Logan asked if I had the Keys. I didn't. Turned out he didn't either. They were sitting on the front seat in our LOCKED car.

At this point I just threw my head back and started laughing. There was a small moment when I almost freaked at Logan since he was the one who drove and locked the keys in the car. But then I thought better of it. He obviously wouldn't do that on purpose and I know he was just as frustrated as I was.

Well the story ends much happier. We called AAA and then went back into Red Robin to wait for them (It's only like two degrees outside so there was no way we were waiting out there). They opened the car up for us no problem. We stopped for some ice cream on the way home and it was delicious. Now both our babies are snug in bed and we can relax and go to bed. And boy are we ready for bed after this night.


JuLi said...

oh my gosh! lol. this sounds like a night from heck. I've had a terrible day and your awful night just made it better ;). Thanks Christa! your the best!!! LOL! Sorry it was so miserable though. You're are so totally awesome to have such a good attitude after all that--- LOVE you!!!

Caspers, but not the Ghost said...

Lol! Gotta love it! Keep practicing feeding the babes out and about. I finally just said screw it! I feed her wherever I am... and if soneone stares.. i starr right back at them. Lol ill never see them again anywya. Today I fed her in a packed little room waiting for my car to get fixed. A few days ago, jcws. Lol you can do it!!! :)