Monday, November 15, 2010

Canyon Night

We went up Farmington Canyon with some friends to have dinner and a good ole time. We made hobo dinners. The problem with hobo dinners is that you need a fire to make them cook. Well, Logan's not what I would call a good scout. We had a hard time getting the fire going and that's with the help of gas. We finally got things going and we talked about life, friends, and movies. Logan wants to watch rated R movies and I don't want to let him! When it was time to go we poured our left over water on the fire; Thom grabbed the water bottle that was full of gas, thinking it was water, and dumped it on the fire. As you can guess, flames exploded into the air and went higher than I am tall. It was a little scary but funny as I look back.

Autumn on the drive up

Our Veiw on the drive up.
This picture reminds me of Halloween! It's really beautiful though
Just a bunch of frined having a good old time!

Logan and I sharing some yummy chips
Our sweet baby girl asleep by the fire
Spencer, Sarah and Sailor...a very cute family.
Thom and Rheanon...a very cute couple

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Sounds like fun Christa! And your hair... is so gorgeous. You must be a hairstylist. It is perfect.

Also, I printed the invites so I will be sending them out as soon as they arrive!