Thursday, November 4, 2010

SPOOKY! BOO! Halloween!

This year was Autumn's FIRST HALLOWEEN! We had a fun time celebrating all week long! First of all we had a fun ward Family Home Evening halloween party.

Autumn and Daddy(Logan came from school, hence the lack of costume)

The Purple Witch and Pumpkin Fairy!

We met Dumbledore (Jaxson) and the Mad Hatter (someone in the ward)!

Dumbledore, Pumkin Fariy and Grandma Witch

The Spooky Grandma Witch (Joy)!
On Friday night we went to a really fun Spooktacular block party at my sister Rachael's house
My little pumpkin fairy with her Grandma Simmons. My mom is so beautiful!
The Purple Witch and Jessie the Cowgirl(Little sister Sara)!
The creepy Clown (Logan) this clown scared all of the kids at the block party. One little boy was pulling my neice Lexi in a wagon and when he saw the scary clown he stopped dead in his tracks and the wagon plowed right into him. I felt so bad. Haha but it was a little funny. The only kid who wasn't scared of this clown was Our little pumkin. She just laughed everytime she looked at him and kept trying to wipe off his make up when he held her. She wasn't fooled, she knew it was her daddy underneath!
Creepy Clown, Pumpkin Fairy and Purple Witch FAMILY!
After the block party we went to a friend paty and my good friend Cait Renshaw Peirce's house. We hung out with friends and played a lot of bingo! It was a lot of fun. Logan won bingo and black out and got some teeth gummies and some skeleton suckers! My husband is awesome!

Our little pumkin was getting sleepy

I never thought I'd be in love with a clown...usually they creep me out, but I totally wanted to kiss this one.
Tessa the butterfly, Cait the Bumble Bee and Me
On Saturday Logan had a race up Springville Canyon. So we spent most of the day there. It was great weather all day so Autumn had a great time hanging out. Logan had a few bike malfunctions (What's new??) but he did pretty well I thought. When we got home that evening it was raining so we decided not to go out trick or treating around the neighborhood. Instead we visited my Grandma and Grandpa Clawson and showed them Autumn in her cute costume. They gave us candy and visited with us. Then we went home and crashed....we were so tired. It was a fun but LONG weekend! Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!


Mandy said...

Fun Halloween Christa! Logan's outfit is actually really scary, but yours is so cute!

Bain Becomes a Master said...

So fun!! She looked adorable!

JuLi said...

She's the cutest pumpkin fairy EVER!!!! You guys looked awesome! I wish i had dressed up but Seth refuses to dress up and i'd feel silly doing it alone.... you look aweseom and HOT as a purple witch!!!