Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 3-You're Idea of a Perfect First Date

Since I've already had my perfect first date and don't anticpate ever having a "first date" again, I'll tell you about Logan and my first date!

It's all a little blurry now of what our first date actually was. So I'll just tell you about the first weekend of dates. Logan first took me out on a Thursday night. I rember being very excited. I couldn't belive my luck. How on earth did I score a date with the cutest guy in any of my college classes. He came to my grandparents house, where I was living at the time. I can still remember what he was wearing. He had on his favorite gray skinny jeans and a white sweatshirt with colored squares on it (that makes it sound weird but it's acutlly really cute! It's my favorite item of clothing he owns). He looked really good. Then we went out to his car, It was a black mazda protege. I wasn't really into the hatch back cars back then and I remember thinking "He drives that car?" Now I think his car is perfect for him. Anyways this is getting too deatailed. For our first night hanging out/our first date? we went to a soft ball game.

Let me back up a little...The first night we ever really talked and the night he got my number was the tuesday before we hung out. I was at institute and we ended up going out to wingers with a bunch of people after institute. After I went home we texted for awhile. He asked me about where I was from and how I liked it in Kaysville. He asked me about what I did durning the week. I didn't really do anything. I didn't know anyone and so I would go to school, come home, do homework, have dinner with my grandparents, watch the news or whatever my grandma was watching, pick out my outfit for the next day, then go to bed. (I don't think I gave him all of those details). Then he proceeded to tell me about his week. He and all of his friends were busy. Mondays=FHE, Tuesdays=Institute and dinner at Wingers, Wednesday=Simming or Bowling, Thursday=Softball game at barns park, Friday=Dates Then he told me I was welcome to join them anytime I wanted to and he asked me to come to the softball game the following Thursday with him. Now fast forward back to the game...

So some of his friends played in the games on a city team and the rest of them went to watch and cheer. We made posters that said "True Fans" and brought snacks. It was pretty fun. It was October and pretty cold outside so we brought big blankets and snuggled up in them together. I was determined to not be shy just because I didn't know anyone. I wanted him to see who I am, and how I am. So I put myself out there. I cheered like crazy and we talked and laughed, I joked with his friends. I felt very comfortable with him.

After the game was over we went to Thom Haslams house (One of his friends that played on the softball team). We couldn't decide what to do forever and we ended up watching The Office and then we watched the movie Dejavou. During The Office I was determined to keep my distance from him. I didn't want to end up holding his hand or something.

Let's back up again for a second...I was a little torn on having a crush on Logan because I had a boyfriend. I was dating Grey Lund, he lived across the street from my parents. I went home almost every weekend to hang out with him. We had broken up when I moved to up school, but we were still pretty much together. He had been texting me the whole night while I was at the softball game with Logan and I was feeling really torn. I really liked Grey...but I was also having a great time with Logan and I was totally crushing on him. Okay back to Thoms house...

I was wearing a hoodie so I had my hands in the front pocket, far away from any temptations (I am a hand holding slut, I just love holding hands and can't help but want to during a movie). But then we started Dejavou. We moved to the upstairs movie room for that one. When Logan sat down he sat a lot closer than he had during The Office. By the end of the movie I was laying on his shoulder and his hand was on his leg just sitting there so inviting. I am proud to say that I was stronger than the temptation that night. I did not hold his hand. But I knew he had wanted to. He had slowly run his finger up and down the outside of my leg after the movie while we were all talking. I was freaking out inside. I had butterflies galour! I couldn't believe that this guy might actually be interested in!

The next night we did somthing of my choice. We went CLASSIC SKATING! I missed skating. I went with Kacee, Annie, Cait, James and Grey almost every weekend the summer before college. Logan thought it sounded fun. A coulple of his friends met us there. I wore my crazy classic skating dress (the orange and pink and white one from the 70's or something) and had the best time. Logan was a good skater, I was totally impressed. There was an arcade there also so we played a few games. He won me a little plastic ring (a ring that later ended up being my engagement ring until we earned the money for my Diamond!). We skated till they closed. It was so fun. He would grab my hands and spin me around and send me flyin' around the skate floor. Afterwards we went to his house. We watched The Office in the basement with Jaren and Cortnie. Logan and I sat in the love sack. And this night I could not resist the temptation. It took the entire show and I was getting so frustrated. Why hadn't he held my hand yet. I wanted to. We played the little finger game for a mintute where our pinkie's touched and then he finally held my hand! It was a great feeling. He had nice hands too. Not all sweaty, not too dry and scratchy either though. I fell asleep smiling that night.

On Saturday night is when he officially asked me out on a date. He took me to dinner (I don't remember where) and then we went to the Gateway. We shopped for new clothes for him for his new job. He tried them on and modled for me! He was so cute I coudln't stand it! We went to Dicks Sporting Goods at the gateway and did the rock climbing wall. I remeber feeling pretty awesome becasue I do have some experience rock climbing and I think he was pretty impressed. Then it was his turn. He was actually nervous and I found it endearing. We took pictures on his cell phone and walked around holding hands. It felt like we were a real couple. We met up with one of his best friends from high school, Levi, and his fiance, Carolyn. We went to the Clark Plantarium and saw a show at the imax theater called "The sounds of the Underground." that night we thought the show was awesome. But we went to it a second time a few weeks later and realized it was really stupid. We must have both just been on a happy high from being with eachtother and holding hands and all that. Not even a stupid show could ruin our first date, we thought it was great! I don't remember how the rest of the night went. If he took me home, or if we went to his house and watched another movie...I can't remeber. But that was our first weekend of dating and hanging out! It was awesome and we were pretty much inseperable after that first weekend. We kissed the following week and were engaged a few months later. It just happend so fast, but I loved every minute of it!


Kacee said...

aww :) I remember how freaking GIDDY you were after this weekend! so cute :)

Yerkes family said...

So funny, in other words, the perfect first date involves the perfect guy, and a whole weekend of activities. lol sounds good to me!