Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet

Meet Raja. She is an adorable chocolate lab puppy. I got her for Logan when we lived in Texas.
She was so cute when we gave her baths. She would start moving her front legs in swimming style when we would turn the water on to run the tub. Such a smart girl.

She was great with babies...
She was Logan's favorite ever. When we found out I was pregnant he said..."Honey, I hope I like the baby as much as I like Raja."
To tell the truth, I'm not much of an pet fan. Especially not indoor pets. I don't like how they smell. I don't like having their hair on my couch, floor, or clothes. I don't like cleaning up after them. I really don't like house training them. Yuck. But Logan LOVES dogs. He has wanted one since the day we got married. So I finally got him one. And suprisingly I enjoyed our little puppy more than I thought I would. She was so cute when I picked her up. Just this tiny little thing, I loved her. But then she pooped...right on my white carpet, and she pee'd all over everything, and she chewed things my cell phone charger that cost $25 to replace (what a rip off) and pens that exploded everywhere and took six hours to clean off the carpet. But then she would do somthing so cute. Somthing like jump up on the couch and cuddle right into you, or run around excitedly when you walked in the room. Yes, as you can tell, she was a Love/Hate situation for me. She was a good dog and it was sad when we had to sell her (we moved back to Utah and had no where to keep her). But if I were ever to get another pet...or should I say, when we get another pet, I would like another lab. I'm requiring a large backyard before that happens though. Oh and Logan will be in charge of house training it and cleaning up any and all accidents involved in that process.

1 comment:

funsizetessa said...

My goodness! She is like the cutest looking dog ever. The cute ones are always the naughtiest. :)