Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye 2010 you were good to us

I'd like to do a recap of our 2010 year but I don't remember all the details...I blame my memory loss on being a mom, you forget everything! So here is what I can remember from this year.

January- I got my Cosmetology Licence and started working at Supercuts. I was also in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy and getting HUGE! Logan was busy with full time work and a full schedule at Weber.

February- We moved out of my Gradparents basement into the condo in Centerville! We went to a "Birth Class" in preperation for the birth of Autumn. It freaked us out! (The videos of live births were horrible. This might sound just aweful, but everysingle one was of an obese woman giving birth...and it just wasn't something I ever wanted to see.) On a more positive note Logan's Desert Racing Season Started!

Logan putting our table and chairs together in our new kitchen!
This is a little sleeper that Logan bought for Autumn after we moved into our new house. He spent $30 on it and I kinda freaked out that he spent so much and took it back. But I also loved it and thought it was really sweet of him to get it, so i went back and got it again.

March-Lots of baby showers! So lots and lots of cute things for our little baby! I was getting so big and uncomfortable and tired of being on my feet full time at work. My last day of work at Supercuts was the 20th. Four days later our little bundle of joy arrived! Autumn was deliverd at 11:16pm she was 7.1 oz and 20 inches long. Happiest day of our lives so far!

Talisha and I both close to our due dates. Our Girls were born 10 days apart.
The Shower Kala threw for me
I cannot believe how big I was...
The Shower Cortnie threw for me

Autumn's first night

First family picture with Autumn...wish I looked better but oh well I guess that's what I get after 15+ hours of labor

April-We got to celebrate our first Holiday with our new baby girl. She looked so sweet on Easter Sunday. She got her first Pictures taken. We Celebrated Logan's 25th Birthday. I got him tickets to the Supercross and he and I got to go out on a date with out Autumn for the first time since she was born.
Autumn's first Easter, the Easter bunny brought her her very first toys, she is tiny next to them.

May- I started a new job at Olde Mill Salon. Logan quit his job at Wells Fargo because he got a job on Hill Air Force Base through school!
June- Logan had school off and so we just enjoyed our time together. We went swimming a lot and hung out with family and friends.

Sleeping after a swimBrooklyn and Autumn first swim together

July- I worked on the 4th of July so I missed the Kaysville Parade for the second year in a row, but Logan got to take Autumn to it and she got her first taste of the Kaysville celebrations. We all enjoyed the fireworks later that night. My sister Juli and he two cute kids came to Utah to visit and Autumn got to me her cousin Zeegan for the first time (they are 1 month apart).
Kaysville Fireworks on the 4th Autumn and cousin Zeegan
August-We went to Mexico with Logans family! We also moved out of our Centerville condo into Joy and Kevin's basement. Logan started back at Weber :( busy busy boy.

September- We celebrated my 22nd Birthday by going boating all day with Joy and Kevin and our good friends Emily and Colby Bell. My little brother James left for his mission, the Texas Huston South mission, spanish speaking.

October-We went out camping for the first weekend for one of Logan's races. I went to California with all of my sisters, except Rebecca who couldn't come, for a long weekend road trip. We had so much fun driving, eating, and visiting Juli and her family and old friends in Ramona. We had a fun first Halloween with Autumn, she was a pumpkin fairy. Logan was a scary clown and I was a witch.
November- My little brother John got baptized. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family and fun crafts after with Logan's family.

December-Logan finished his semester at Weber with the best grades he has ever gotten. We had a really fun Christmas Party with our Friends.Logan taught me how to snowboard (I'm not that good, but getting better...we've been three times this month.) We had a wonderful Christmas that started at our house. Presents upstairs with Logan's mom's side. Lunch in Tooelle with Logan's Dad's family and dinner at my parents house. We spent the last hours of this year in the company of the Bells watching "Knight and Day". It's been a great year!


Bain Becomes a Master said...

What a fun year! It is fun to see all the pictures of Autumn and how fast she has grown over the past year. I can't believe she will be one in March! I hope we are invited to her first birthday party! :)

funsizetessa said...

This was cute and fun to read! :)

Mandy said...

I loved this! You were the cutest pregnant person ever. I didn't know Talisha's baby was born so close to Autumn either.

Seth & Juli + Rocco, Zeegan and Kezia said...

i love your year recap! i will probably end up copying you and doing one myself! it was fun to see how much has happened in your life this year... HAPPY belated NEW YEAR!!!